The Sun and the Rainbow

Once upon a time, the Sun and the Rainbow were best friends. The Sun shines brightly. No one can survive without the Sun. Humans and nature need it.

The Rainbow is very colorful. It attracts a lot of people, especially women and children. The Sun always protects the Rainbow, and the Rainbow always respects the Sun. They call each other brother and sister.

One day, a little girl pointed at the Rainbow and said, “What a beautiful sight! It is the most beautiful I have ever seen.” The Rainbow heard it and boasted about it.

Not long after, the Sun came out after the rain and said, “I am gorgeous, prettier than you. I only have one color with golden rays. That is what people talk about. I am magnificent. Don’t you know that you wouldn’t exist without me?”

After saying that, the Sun hid behind the clouds immediately and the Rainbow disappeared right away. She cried, “My Brother Sun, I made a big mistake. Like everyone else, I can’t survive without you. I understand all creatures are different and special. Both of us are good.” And with that, the Sun showed up again and the Rainbow appeared once more.

Since that incident, the Rainbow hasn’t dared to brag anymore. And the Sun is still as caring and loving as before. They will be the best of friends forever. 

Jun HuJun Hu is fifty-nine years old. She moved to New York in 2009. She is a preschool teacher and likes reading and writing children’s literature. At the Queens Public Library’s Elmhurst Adult Learning Center, she studies with teacher Jovito de la Paz. Michelle Johnston is the site adviser.