The First Time I Met My Husband

It was my first time coming to America, June of 2015. I wanted to go shopping. My aunt gave me the address for a store. On my way to the store, I couldn’t remember the street. I saw two guys at a Car Mart, so I stopped and asked for directions. One of the guys said, “It’s not good to speak to strangers.” I told him I wasn’t going anywhere with a stranger; I just wanted directions.

He gave me directions, and then he asked me for my phone number. I told him that I was not from the U.S.; at this time, I lived in Jamaica. But we still exchanged numbers. Then, I left for the store. I did not call him for a year. After one year had passed, I finally gained the courage and gave him a call. After another year of texting and calling, I decided to view America more. I told him that I was in the States. He asked me out for dinner, and I said yes. The rest is history.


Sophia Williams was born in Spanishtown, Jamaica. She studies at the Brooklyn Public Library’s Bedford Adult Learning Center. Her tutor is Taylor Garrison, the site supervisor is Susan Knott, and the literacy adviser is Matthew Greene. She writes, “I like to travel. I want to go to Canada in the future. I want to learn more and further my education.”