Tag: Brooklyn Public Library

Bank Robbery

I was on my way to the bank around 9:30 a.m. The traffic on the road caused me to arrive later than I planned. As I entered the bank and looked around, I realized that I would have to stand in line for the entire day. There were only two clerks on duty and a long line of customers. After I stood there for about an hour, my feet started to hurt. A male customer, who was third in line, was on his phone, texting and taking notice of his surroundings. It was his time to approach the clerk.

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My Country’s Weather

My story is about the weather in Liberia, the country where I was born and raised. There are two seasons, the rainy season and the dry season. There are six months of rain from May through October, and the dry season is the six months from November through April. During the rainy season, when I was little, it sometimes rained for many days and nights, and the rivers would flood.

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