Perseverance and Quitting


My mother always says, “The ones who persevere until the end will triumph.”
But what does she mean by that?
Does that mean putting up with anything that we don’t want?
Waiting patiently for the miracle that changes everything?
Sometimes we need to quit in order to persevere.
Yes, quitting a bad job,
Quitting a toxic relationship,
Quitting all the things that take away our peace,
Knowing when to quit and demand more from life.
Giving up on something that is not working and moving on
Also makes you triumphant.
But don’t quit because it’s hard.
Quit because it hurts.
Choose wisely and keep going.

Portrait of Lily JiménezLily Jiménez, age 37, was born in Venezuela. She arrived in the U.S. in 2018 and, like many immigrants, has had to give up a lot to continue persevering in life. She studies with site adviser Karen Ruelle at the Andrew Romay New Immigrant Center of the English-Speaking Union. Karl Hart is the program officer.