Category: Volume 20

Hiking in a New Country

Sunday is my favorite day of the week because it is my rest day. My family and I are used to having an active rest. On Sundays we hike. Our Sunday morning begins with a Russian lesson for my youngest son. He studies Russian every Sunday with a tutor because we don’t want him to forget his native language. While my son is studying, I prepare everything for the hike: I take out our hiking shoes, pour tea into each thermos, and prepare snacks. My son’s Russian lesson takes from 10 to 11 a.m., then we have family breakfast and hit the road. 

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First Day of School

A week ago, I started talking to him about his new routine. He didn’t know what it was about, but I was very happy and impatient to see this day arrive. The day before, I told him that tomorrow would be a great day, not only for him, but for us. He gave me a smile. The next day, I woke him up early, gave him his bath, dressed him, and made him sit on the bed so I could talk to him. I blessed him and told him how happy and proud I am of him. My joy was immense because, for me, it was the beginning of a beautiful story: Learn, make friends, and converse.

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Brought Up by Books

I was brought up in Moscow, Russia. All I remember about my early childhood is the feeling of total unhappiness and despair. At an early age, I was put in a special place for children whose parents were unable to take care of their kids for various reasons. I remember how much I hated that place and how much I wanted to go home. I remember our awful teachers, who established terrible rules we had to follow. Living there was real torture. It did leave an indelible impression on me.

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