Category: Family

My Uncle’s Story

Have you heard the word “kamikaze”? In Japanese, this word means “the wind of god.” In older times, Japanese people believed that the wind of god would suddenly blow in and help us when we needed it. But kamikaze is more well-known as the name of a Japanese special-attack unit in the closing stages of World War II. The kamikaze pilots flew suicide attacks against the enemy’s naval vessels. My uncle, Misao, volunteered for this unit when he was just 16 years old.

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“Toi et Moi” with Love and Hope

It was on a radiant afternoon in the summer of 2003 that my grandmother offered me her engagement ring because she knew I was getting married. We were sitting together on the terrace of our family’s house, perched in the Corsican mountains, silently admiring the view of our valley. Some rare clouds were casting moving shadows over the forest, while in the distance, the Mediterranean Sea was glittering in the sun.

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Lost Memories

That day, the date with my boyfriend was at a fancy restaurant on top of a mountain. The sunset alone was beautiful enough, but seeing my boyfriend on his knee, asking me if I wanted to marry him, was even better. Crying, I said yes and decided to marry my beloved. My heart beat fast and loudly, and I couldn’t wait to tell my mother about my new fiancé.

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